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Meet Faye Seng, the lady who has taken over the operational reins for a 10 year tenure at the Brisbane River Golf Club. Faye’s enthusiasm for the club and the game is smilingly obvious and we just love that she’s dedicating her time to the local golfing community at Karana Downs. We spoke with Faye to discover more about her grand plans to restore BRGC to its former glory.
Q. Hello Faye, please tell us about your newest venture as the operator of the Brisbane River Golf Club.
A. Well, I have taken on the club for the next decade and have lived in Karana Downs for the past 14 years, my partner and I both love the area and the community . The club has an exceptionally long history and I have both watched and participated for many years (myself as club president for the past 2 years). I genuinely believe this course can be one of the most sought after and beautiful courses in Brisbane if it receives the TLC it deserves. Locals tell me that many years ago people would come from far and wide just to play this course - it was one of the most challenging and beautiful around. We aim to bring back the magic! BRGC is a Par 66, 4735 metres in length and once you play it you soon work out that placement is everything. We are so excited to take on this project. Already the course is receiving glowing reports, so with some serious time and work it will continue to impress. We have been completely overwhelmed by all of the community and member support we have already received within just a few weeks.
Q. Have you always been a business minded woman?
Yes, but this decision was both a business and personal decision. My husband and I have spent our entire lives working and traveling away for business. We want to pour our hearts into building the club and course and remain close to home every night.
Q. Do you watch and/or participate in other women’s sports? And, how important is finding comradeship on the golf course?
I used to play netball, tennis etc with women yes. Now I am playing golf regularly I am profoundly serious about developing ladies golf here at BRGC. I ran a ladies clinic last year and had around 30 women coming regularly. I am starting this program again in 2021 and have some very generous local members who are interested in supporting these types of programs. I am incredibly pleased to see several of the ladies who attended the clinics have progressed to regularly play golf, with several now entering competitions also. Perhaps one of the best things about the ladies clinics was also the comradeship. Sometimes it is difficult to go out and feel confident to hold your own when you are first picking up a club. The clinic I ran last year had absolutely no barriers for anyone…not age, race, nothing! We accepted all of our ladies and sat down after each day to enjoy a glass of wine together. It was amazing to see all of these ladies in the one community where many did not know each other. I grew up in the country where we all knew each other, so one of the things I really want to accomplish is to have a club where golfers and non-golfers can come to gather and enjoy what we have here.
Q. Which juniors at your club are playing well lately?
We don’t have many juniors at all. I am kicking off a junior program that will run for 6-12 months for both new and experienced junior golfers in the area. One of our goals is to build junior golf participation at all levels, social and competition. We have this wonderful facility in the middle of our community, and we aim to utilise and build it.
Q. What do you think the club members enjoy most about the Brisbane River Golf Club (outside of golf)?
The people of course. Karana Downs is a wonderful community! We think of it as a little bit of country in the middle of a city - also known as one of the best kept secrets in Brisbane. There are just so many good people who live in KD. Some have been here forever and a day and others are new, but nevertheless for some reason Karana Downs just has a really nice vibe about it. The course is surrounded by locals who pop down in the afternoons for a beer or coffee. The wildlife on the course is also amazing. Many species of beautiful birds make their homes here.
Q. Do you select the golf fashion for the pro shop?
Yes, I did my first purchase today. I only brought men’s gear today, but I found some nice vests with colour matched pants and shirts (of course). I haven’t found the ladies gear I need as yet. I really want to find some brightly coloured snazzy ladies outfits for all sizes from 10 - 22. I want ladies of all sizes to feel special when they step out for golf, whether for social or comp. I think we are all much more confident when we feel good in what we are wearing. My ladies will be in for some really special surprises.
Q. What’s your favourite hole at the course and which one do you find the most challenging?
My favourite hole is the 7th. When you tee off the fairway is one of our best, plus it is a little forgiving if you are not straight up the middle. The approach is challenging with the green cradled between 2 bunkers, but if you are accurate you are rewarded.
The hole I find the most challenging is the river hole. #6 is our most beautiful hole as it is flanked on the left from tee to green by the Brisbane River. The views are beautiful especially early morning or late afternoon; however you soon realise this hole is index 1 and unforgiving. Accuracy is the key alongside the ability to put the very narrow fairway to the back of your memory, plus the gully before the green. We are aiming to make this our signature hoe and there will many improvements planned for the next 12 months or so.
Q. What’s next for the Brisbane River Golf Club in 2021?
Just golf, golf and more golf, plus events, people and community gatherings. There’s many good things to come for golfers and non-golfers alike. We are hoping to incorporate a food, wine and arts festival on a quarterly basis too here at BRGC.
We also have our ladies championship coming up. It’s a weekend of golf for ladies, plus men can also welcome to play. Details and dates coming soon.
Note: Ladies Golf Magazine is sponsoring this event. Be sure to check our website for more info.